BABS – starting up


BABS starting up

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Starting up the huge 27 litre Liberty V-12 aero engine as fitted in BABS.  This was the land speed record car that was developed by John Parry-Thomas from the Higham Special that he aquired from the estate of Count Zborowski for £125.  He installed his own design of pistons and fitted four Zenith carburettors and later a more aerodynamically efficient body.  On 28th April 1926 Thomas took the car to Pendine Sands in South Wales and, despite poor conditions, raised the world land speed record to over 170mph.  This record stood for almost a year until it was taken from him by Malcolm Cambell.  On 3rd March 1927, whilst trying to regain the record one of the rear wheels of BABS failed and Parry-Thomas was killed as a result of the injuries he sustained as the car rolled and slid along the sands at over 100mph.  Following the inquest into his death BABS was buried in the sand dunes above Pendine Sands.

Some 42 years later the wreckage was controversially recovered from the sands and resored for exhibition there and elsewhere.

This poster is sized as 440 x 157mm although it can obviously be made larger if requested.  Please contact info @ photohistoric for a specific size or material (eg canvas) to meet your rquirements